The discoverability of cultural content in the digital environment has been the subject of several studies and reports published in recent months. What can we learn from these reports? What are the current issues underlying discoverability? What measures have been implemented and what strategies can be adopted to ensure the development of local and national cultural content on the Internet?
A webinar organized by the Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (CDCE), with the participation of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec, the UNESCO Chair on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).
Mandatory registration. Webinar in French and English.
Moderator: Danielle Desjardins, Media, Culture and Digital Specialist, La Fabrique de sens
10 am: Introduction
10:05-10:45 am: Presentation of the 2020 reports on the online discoverability of cultural content
10:45-11 am: Questions from the audience
11-11:45 am: Round table on the issues and courses of action
- What is meant by “national content” and how to account for the diversity of national content in terms of discoverability requirements?
- What is the impact of free trade agreements on the capacity of States to implement policies in favor of the discoverability of cultural content in the digital environment?
- What tools and technological solutions would help promote the discoverability of cultural content?
- What international strategies should be adopted in terms of discoverability and how can we draw inspiration from French and Quebec examples?
11:45 am-12 pm: Questions from the audience
12 pm: Closing
- Mathieu Rocheleau, in charge of the Franco-Quebec mission on the online discoverability of francophone cultural content, Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec;
- Véronique Guèvremont, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of Université Laval and holder of the UNESCO Chair on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions;
- Destiny Tchéhouali, Professor of International Communication in the Department of Social and Public Communication at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM);
- Céline de Dianous, Research and Communications Officer, Coalition for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions;
- Christian Roy, Co-founder and consultant at A10s;
- Guillaume Prieur, Director of Institutional and European Affairs, SACD / General Secretary of the French Coalition for Cultural Diversity
Where do we stand on the discoverability of cultural content in the digital environment in 2021?