We realize more than ever the importance of culture in our lives. From an individual point of view, cultural expressions are sources of inspiration, learning, reflection, emotions, and entertainment. From a collective point of view, they tell our history, initiate dialogues, forge identities, and contribute to living together in peace and harmony.
The UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions was created in 2005 to recognize this contribution and the value of diversity in a context of globalization. It promotes, for individuals and social groups, “access to diverse cultural expressions from their territory as well as from other countries of the world”.
For there to be a diversity of cultural expressions, communities around the world must protect their ability to create and disseminate their own works. This is why cultural policies such as that for broadcasting, which have fostered cultural ecosystems for generations, must be modernized to preserve the diversity of our cultures, and avoid an international monoculture.
This concern is not divorced from reality: 78% of Canadians place personal importance on Canadian-made content.
C-11 will better showcase local and national content so that everyone has greater access to cultural expressions that reflect Canada’s diversity.